Gay Professor Expresses Transphobia

This is former professor Kathleen Stock, who has come out as a lesbian and publicly denies transphobia, asserting that some transgender women are” threats” other people in the restroom because they may also be drawn to people.

But, using her own logic, it could be argued that this gay poses a related” danger” to people in women’s rooms because she is attracted to other people, which might make those people uncomfortable or feel threatened.

Should she be banned from common bedrooms?

Another instance of how the dramatic proper demonizes transgender people without reason or reason. Although Kathleen Stock is a professor who should be more knowledgeable, she is a well-known tone in the UK for outlining transgender issues.

It is heartbreaking to watch Gay people try to dehumanize and marginalize their unique. If the transgender community always receives everything they want, who do you believe they will go after next, in your opinion?