This year saw the first reports of transgender and gender-discriminate murders in Armenia, Belgium, and Slovakia.
There is no indication that the number of trans and gender-discriminate deaths around the world is slowing down.
As Trans Awareness Week gets underway, Transgender Europe ( TGEU) provides new data to support this claim.
A TGEU director told Euronews that “deadly violence against transgender people continues to be at a constantly high level despite the advancements in trans rights over the past ten years.”
Between 1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023, at least 320 transgender and gender-dividend people were reportedly murdered worldwide.
By the end of 2023, that number is probably going to surpass the full from the previous year.
Between January and the end of September, 16 persons died in Europe.
With 235 cases overall, Latin America and the Caribbean have once again reported the highest amount of deaths in the world. However, the situation is even dire in Europe and Eurasia.
This time saw the first reports of deaths in Armenia, Belgium, and Slovakia.
According to TGEU, it is highly likely that the statistics, both nationally and in Europe, do not accurately reflect the actual prevalence of transgender murders.
Not every reported case in the world is included in their statistics. Why, exactly? In studies of their deaths, not all transgender and gender-discriminate crime victims are identified as like.
According to TGEU, the presence of well-established tracking systems in Latin America and the Caribbean can be quickly attributed to the high rate of crime reports there.
The majority of the files that the organization used came from nations with robust surveillance networks for trans and Transgender organizations.
Whatever the actual number of transgender and gender-difference victims is, the figures are depressing to read.
48 % of transgender people killed worldwide whose activity is known were sexual employees. In Europe, that number increases to more than three quarters, or 78 %.
Racial-motivated murders have increased by 15 % from last year on the continent and the rest of the world, from 65 % in 2022 to 80 % today.
The majority of the victims, who identified as transgender women or transgender female individuals, were under 25 centuries old.
The fact that 45 % of transgender individuals reported being murdered in Europe were workers or refugees is particularly startling at a time of intense global issue.
According to TGEU, the murder information point to worrying trends in the intersections of sexism, bigotry, xenophobia, and whorephobia.
Many of the patients in Europe were also workers or refugees, and the majority of them were Black and trans women of color as well as transgender sex employees.
According to TGEU, it’s as risky as ever to be a trans or gender-discriminate person at this time, with 28 % of the recorded murders occurring on the street and an additional 25 % occurring in the victims ‘ own home.
These figures only provide a brief window into the reality on the ground. According to a TGEU director,” the majority of cases go undetected worldwide. Those that are reported get very little attention.”