In March 2024, U. S. President Joe Biden proclaimed Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility.
The Transgender Day of Visibility ( TDOV ) is March 31, 2024, according to a proclamation from Biden. Since 2021, he has issued the exact statement every year on March 31, the same day. The date was set to correspond with Easter Sunday in 2024, a moveable trip that alters times every based on the spring equinox.
U.S. President Joe Biden declared March 31, 2024, the Transgender Day of Visibility on March 29, 2024, in a statement that officially recognized the day as one dedicated to honoring the transgender community. Additionally, Easter Sunday just happened on the day.
Many anti-Biden media sources, online critics, and experts allege that Biden blasphemed by launching the Transgender Day of Visibility declaration on Easter Sunday. For instance, former U. S. President Donald Trump’s campaign said in a statement,” It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House ]… ] formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as’ Trans Day of Visibility”.
Donald Trump Jr. even tweeted:” They want citizens worshipping the transgender flag instead of heaven”.
( Screenshot via X )
( Screenshot via X )
The above comments were misleading. People started celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility periodically on March 31 since at least 2010, including Biden, who has been issuing such proclamations as president since 2021, even though they referenced a true report from the White House. The time for Easter Sunday, nevertheless, shifts each time. According to long-standing Christian custom, it falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon that comes after the spring solstice.
Biden is a staunch Catholic, and he has frequently addressed his belief in public, in addition to the Transgender Day of Visibility statement. He stated in his speech from Easter Sunday, 2024, that” Jill and I extend our best wants to Christians all over the world who celebrate Easter Sunday.” Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the assurance of Christ’s Ascension”.
The overlap of Easter and the Transgender Day of Visibility ( TDOV ) in 2024 was entirely coincidental. There was no proof that Biden planned to ensure that Easter was observed on the same day as TDOV in order for him to distinguish between the two. We contacted the White House to request its reaction to that assertion, and we will release this statement as soon as it responds to us.
Biden’s standard White House statement with the statement, released on March 29, 2024, said:
Now, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my whole Management and I have your up.
Then, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby claim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I urge all Americans to meet us in promoting trans people’s lives and voices throughout our Nation and to work toward abolition of violence and discrimination based on gender identity.
The statement did not attempt to remove TDOV with Easter Sunday nor to combine the two events to occur on the same day in the future.
According to the Gay &, Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ( GLAAD), a multimedia- monitoring firm, Rachel Crandall, a transgender activist, established the first International Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, 2010 to commemorate the life of trans people when most media reports focused on violence against them.
Biden’s March 29 announcement was not unusual. His administration acknowledged the same day in prior years, as seen in a March 30, 2023, White House document.
As for the date of Easter, the BBC noted, the day is designated based on the ecclesiastical ( meaning” of the Church” ) full moon — that is, it’s not calculated in the way astronomers would do it. The church always chooses March 21 as the date, according to the BBC.
Easter Sunday will be on April 20 in 2025, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
” A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility”. The White House, 30 March 2023, https ://www.whitehouse .gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
” A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility, 2024″. The White House, 29 March 2024, https ://www.whitehouse .gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
” A Proclamation on Transgender Day Of Visibility, 2021″. The White House, 31 March 2021, https ://www.whitehouse .gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/31/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2021/. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
Knudsen, Hannah.” ‘ Gross and Evil ‘: Biden White House Disrespects Easter”. Breitbart, 30 March 2024, https :// Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
The United States of America’s dioceses ‘ liturgical calendar for 2025. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, https ://www .pdf. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
” Statement from President Joe Biden on Easter”. The White House, 31 March 2024, https ://www.whitehouse .gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/31/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-easter-2/. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
Waldenberg, Samantha. Republicans slam Biden for declaring a Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter despite the fact that it is annually observed on March 31| CNN Politics CNN, 30 March 2024, https :// .html. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
Wang, Amy B. Trump Falsely attacks Biden over Easter that falls on Transgender Day of Visibility. Washington Post, 1 Apr. 2024. www., https :// Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.
” Why Does the Date of Easter Move Around”? BBC Bitesize, https :// Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.