J.K. Rowling, a renowned author, has declared that she will not accept Emma Watson or Daniel Radcliffe for supporting trans equality in the film version of her Harry Potter book collection.
Rowling made the comment after she shared her thoughts on the UK record called the Cass Review, which questioned the benefits of gender-affirming care for trans youngsters. Over 100 different reports contradict the study’s findings.
Rowling claimed that the evaluation proved that “kids have been permanently harmed” by the involvement of “not only doctors, but the star spokesmen, unquestioning media and jaded corporations”.
“Even if you don’t feel ashamed of cheerleading for what now looks like severe medical malpractice, even if you don’t want to accept that you might have been wrong, where’s your sense of self-preservation?” she asked. The wagon you jumped on is hurling toward a cliff in awe of it.
A fellow X user, named “Adam Harris#FarRightHooligan”, responded to Rowling’s post, writing, “Just waiting for Dan and Emma to give you a very public apology… safe in the knowledge that you will forgive them”.
Rowling replied, “No healthy, I’m afraid. Celebrities who supported a movement that wanted to undermine women’s hard-won rights and who supported the transition of minors preserve their apologies for traumatized detransitioners and vulnerable women who rely on single-sex spaces.
Rowling has frequently made misleading transphobic remarks about transgender girls threatening women and children and women who have left their medical backgrounds.
A recent study found that 97% to 91% of those who have received such attention express satisfaction with it. A 2015 survey from the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) found that only 3% of respondents had de-transitioned; some of them did so in response to transphobia.
Daniel Radcliffe, the British actor who played the titular child wizard in the Harry Potter series, condemned Rowling’s strikes on transgender girls in June 2020.
“While Jo is undoubtedly concerned for the trajectory my life has taken,” Radcliffe wrote, “… Transgender women are women. Any claim that the transgender community has lost individuality and dignity goes against the advice given by professional healthcare organizations, who have much greater knowledge than Jo or I in this area of the subject.
Radcliffe expressed regret for Rowling’s deeply praised children’s story set fans’ suffering as a result of Rowling’s comments.
In a 2020 Vogue meeting, Emma Watson, who plays the overachieving fantasy scholar Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, argued that stigmatization denies society of transgender people.
In a tweet from June 2020, she wrote that transgender people are who they say they are and deserve to live their life without being constantly questioned or told they are not who they claim to be. I want my transgender supporters to know that they are viewed, respected, and loved for who they are, just like everyone else.