- Questionable advice is included in the new prison scheme that went into effect in February.
According to a recent report, prison administrators advise transgender criminals to provide time in adult jails in order to help them get ready for life as women after release.
Female activists have branded this action as an “outrage” because it would allow transgender inmates who are deemed too risky to get held in a women’s prison the opportunity to interact with female prisoners.
The contentious advice is included in a new Scottish Prison Service ( SPS) policy that goes into effect in February.
According to the Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment statement, transgender people should be encouraged to work toward housing in an estate that is in line with their affirmed sex so that, upon release, they have the chance to live with people who share that gender.
Due to the threat they pose, high-risk criminals may be given visit right so they can mingle with female individuals rather than being given a permanent residence in one.

While it may be needed to house transgender people in a facility that does not reflect their affirmed gender, the report adds,” There may also be other ways to support their gender identity.” For instance, through participation in labor events, activities, or programs with people who share their gender identity.
However, a number of critics have criticized SPS leaders for endangering the security of helpless girls.
I am horrified at the suggestion that female prisoners, who yet the SPS deem to be uncomfortable for the adult estate, may still be able to get activities in women’s prisons, said Kate Coleman of the advocacy group Keep Prisons Single Sex.
This is outrageous, I say. I find it disgusting that this policy, which is already insufficient to protect women’s safety, seems to be concealing a much more ominous reality: the threat it poses to sexual offenders.
Prisons are places for safe prison, no laboratories for experimentation, said adapt head of the Alba Party Kenny MacAskill, a former justice minister.
The state has a responsibility to protect defenseless people who have offended despite being denied freedom. It is hideous to put their pursuit of gender ideology in danger. In addition to losing the story, the SPS and Scottish Government are also acting in a way that puts those they must defend in danger.
The new plan essentially allows male sexual offenders access to women’s prisons, according to Russell Findlay, a justice for the British Conservatives.
The rights of male-bodied sex criminals who claim to be sexual are deemed more important than defenseless women in prison, in accordance with the SNP’s risky gender self-ID law.

The report acknowledges that sharing a cell with male-bodied prisoners may place female inmates at risk.
There is concern that the coverage may be misused by people claiming to be trans in order to access women and harm them. However, it then downplays the danger by saying that it is” stigmatizing to suggest that only transgender females are a threat” and that predatory and aggressive behavior toward women in prison “also came from another women.”
Our new plan supports the betterment of all prisoners, according to an SPS spokesman.
When determining danger, we will properly take into account a variety of factors, including insulting history and violence against women and women in particular.
The adult estate does not contain any transgender women who have a history of abusing women and girls.