Councilman’s remarks on LGBTQ+ area misguided, hateful

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Julie Bisgaard provided criticism on comments made earlier this week by councillor Travis Holleman regarding the LGBTQ+ group.

Councilman Travis Holleman’s most recent town email, released on Rumble on March 3, has received my response. He was addressing the issue of certificates for classes. He claims in this movie that he “backs tickets because the LGBTQ plan is communist and that the Socialist public colleges want to empower kids.” He continues to make references to The Communist Manifesto by picking out words and saying at one place that he is still digesting the text.

As a former public school teacher and alliance, I may always fight for the LGBTQ community and our public schools.

The Tennessee Equality Project’s city chairman is located in Montgomery County. Through congressional advocacy, TEP activists for equal rights for LGBTQ people in Tennessee. We entrance regional institutions and the Tennessee General Assembly. Additionally, the TEP Foundation offers a range of education courses. Holleman’s claims were false, insulting and derogatory. Mr. Holleman should be aware that some of our kids may have Gay parents, that there are LGBTQ people on school staffs, and that some of our students will have Gay parents. Additionally, Mr. Holleman needs to acknowledge that there are LGBTQ people in both our town and his city. His film highlights the importance of a group like the Tennessee Equality Project. In order to ensure that this frequently marginalized community’s voices are heard, we will continue to entrance, teach, and advocate for them. Our Gay people are valuable, valued and loved despite quite mistaken, cruel claims.

His remarks about” crazy Marxist liberals taking over school boards to force an LGBT plan” and” Marxist public colleges wanting to empower kids” offend both our hard-working teachers and our school boards. Additionally, it informs me that Mr. Holleman has not recently attended a class. He ought to be conscious that all students who enter our public schools must be taught by them in accordance with the standards set forth by the condition.

It saddens me that a member of the Clarksville City Council makes these remarks about our kids and institutions. In Mr. Holleman’s thoughts, his “newsletters are for everyone. We need to come along. We’re all Americans. This is our area”. This film is too confusing for me to understand. It’s incredibly unsatisfactory that a city councillor is using his system to spread for polarizing ideas.

Julie Bisgaard