The solution, which Councilmember Katie Valenzuela suggested, calls for the area to defend and protect the “rights of transgender people to access attention.”
Sacramento City Council unanimously approved a resolution designating the city of Sacramento as a Sanctuary City for Transgender Citizens.
The solution, which Councilmember Katie Valenzuela suggested, calls for the area to defend and protect the “rights of transgender people to access attention.”
According to Sabrina Naves, a transgender advocate,” we have a lot of people in different states best now that are trying to sue us.” Many transgender individuals are emigrating from unfriendly countries to our country. Therefore, it’s crucial for us to be able to shield them, encircle them, and welcomed them. And this ( resolution ) will help stop outside influences from trying to invade our country, attacking our citizens, attacking the medical care we receive, attacking the professionals who provide for our mental health care, and attacking the friends and families who love us.
No city assets would be used to prosecute people seeking treatment or cooperate with authorities trying to maintain laws that criminalize gender-affirming treatment, according to the solution.
Beth Bourne, with Grandmas for Liberty, spoke out against the decision.
” My major concern, I would say the first thing is the medicalizing of children”, said Bourne. ” We may be giving children mix- intercourse hormones. We ca n’t sterilize them or give them puberty blockers that will sterilize them. We ca n’t give them surgery that will change their sex. So we need to defend our family’s systems. Every kid is great, just as they are”.
Click here to learn all the documents relating to the solution.