This Trip at the Vatican, The Pope Ate Pasta Alongside Trans People


Pope Francis hosted meal for 1,200 poor and impoverished people on Sunday, including a number of trans women who work as sex workers and immigrants from Latin America. According to The Associated Press, the breakfast, which included cannelloni pasta with spinach and ricotta, meatballs in tomato-basil sauce, and tiramisu for dessert, was served in honor of World Day of the Bad Day in the Catholic Church.

The fact that Pope Francis brings us closer to the Church makes transgender people in Italy feel a little more people, according to Carla Segovia, an Argentinean sex worker who attended the meal at the age of 46. ” Because we require some like.”

Francis ‘ lunch is held a few days after the Vatican announced that trans people could now be baptized and become godparents, provided that doing so did n’t “posse the risk of generating the public scandal or disorientation.” Since it does n’t define what constitutes such a scandal, the statement, which Pope Francis approved in late October, admitsly leaves room for interpretation.

Pope Francis has been making people strides toward establishing ties with trans women from the seaside town of Torvaianica, Italy, most lately, despite the exaggeration of the century that he and the Catholic Church still have much to improve.

At Sunday’s breakfast, Claudia Vittoria Salas, a transgender tailor and house cleaner from Argentina, was seated next to the bishop. She tells Associated Press that she used to work as a sex worker to send three of her sisters and nephews—to whom she had previously served as the godparent—back to school. The Catholic Church’s recent statement about transgender people has an emotional impact on her physically.

The COVID-19 crisis, when native sex workers turned to local Rev., is when the pope first became involved with Torvaianica’s transgender community. Andrea Conocchia in search of foods. He urged them to read to Francis, whose chief almsgiver assisted them in obtaining basic necessities, and afterwards made arrangements for their COVID-19 vaccinations and meeting with the bishop.

The temple was previously closed to us. Trans woman from Colombia Andrea Paola Torres Lopez told AP that they did n’t see us as regular people and instead saw the devil. ” After that, Pope Francis showed up, and the church doors opened for us.”

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