Where the law stands on transgender athletes competing in Utah

SALT Pool CITY- Trans high school athletes are still a topic of conversation in the United States. It has says attempting to determine, if at all, what part they play in forming this topic’s policy. What’s the Utah position like?

The issue arises following the passage of a law prohibiting transgender individuals from taking part in school sports by Utah politicians in 2022. Two Utah people challenged the law after the bill was approved by lawmakers. The legislation is currently suspended while the complaint is being heard in court.

As a result, transgender individuals in Utah may now be allowed to take part in school activities, but only on an individual basis. A committee of politically appointed researchers from the health and sport areas will make the final decision.

One of the bill’s unique sponsors was Rep. Kera Birkeland, R- Morgan. She stated to KSL NewsRadio that she wants all children to take part in activities, but it depends on where and when. She claimed that the child’s health and competitive advantages are what matter.

Utah’s trans athletes ‘ options for participating in class activities

According to Birkeland, a committee review applies to both transgender men and women. It only becomes relevant in specific circumstances. For instance, if a transgender woman ( someone who has changed from being male to female ) wants to participate in class sports for men.

Birkeland remarked,” Biologically, this young man still has the body mass and everything of a girl. If this youth is transitioning from woman to male, female to man, he should n’t necessarily be on the boy’s teams.”

According to Birkeland, a committee review has been conducted on four student athletes. The committee considers a child’s height and weight in addition to other factors. This, nevertheless, is sport-dependent.

” Evidently, it’s very different for sport compared to volleyball,” Birkeland said. ” Top is a significant tennis benefits. It might not always be the greatest benefit for golf.

She claimed that the committee is made up of individuals who base their decisions on particular sports. Then they determine whether there are any cruel athletic advantages or safety issues.

She remarked,” We do n’t tell them what information they ( trans-student athletes ) must provide.” ” We simply ask them to supply the data that will assist the committee in making the best choice in terms of health and competitive advantage.”

She claimed that none of the four individuals have received payment approval as far as Birkeland is conscious. She claimed that she is unconcerned by this because she has faith in the commission’s professionals.

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