Jamie Reed, a former clinician and whistleblower of a St. Louis gender clinic, recently voiced alarm over the prevailing “totalitarian” attitude among major LGBT organizations. They are reportedly looking to suppress those who oppose them publicly. In an episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” Reed confirmed the existence of other whistleblowers who are apprehensive about coming forward due to fear of backlash.
Reed exposed unethical practices at the clinic, where treatments were continually administered despite detrimental effects on young patients seeking sex-change procedures. She recounted instances where ‘medical interventions’, in the form of drugs and surgical procedures, were conducted, even when it emerged that these were causing harm and distress.
Accusing large LGBTQ organizations of institutional bullying, Reed challenged the prevailing media narrative around gender-transition treatments for underage individuals. She insists the best approach to ‘gender distress’ in children should be to explore underlying causes of distress, often attributed to early sexual abuse or trauma. Medical interventions, according to Reed, should be the last resort.
Reed, who identifies as LGBT sans the “Q”, is on a mission to support potential whistleblowers in clinics providing pediatric medical transitions. Asserting that she is not alone in her beliefs, Reed revealed her collaboration with an LGBT Courage Coalition – a group of adult lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people opposing pediatric medical transitions.
In a strong response to powerful LGBTQ organizations pressuring clinical decision-making, Reed states, “they have gotten this wrong.” The science endorsing such treatments is flawed and the thrust towards transgender treatments for children ultimately harms young gay and lesbian individuals, she asserts. She called for a return to the foundational principles of journalism – truth-seeking and resilience against offending pressure groups. She also urged Democratic Party leaders to revisit their perspective on pediatric medical transition, emphasizing it as a non-partisan issue concerning human rights, women’s rights, and the welfare of gay and lesbian people.